Grace was a bit of a terror yesterday. There wasn't a moment in the day that she wasn't getting into something. She tried to make a cup of coffee with our new Keurig Vue while using her Elmo potty as a step stool. Luckily, the machine was still heating up, so nothing happened except that she poked holes in a couple of Vue cups when she inserted them into the machine. She drew on her fingers with magic markers and then smeared them over the walls and she drew on her face with the same magic markers. After filling the tub and washing the marker off of her hands and face, I realized I didn't have a towel in the bathroom for her. I left the room to get her a clean towel, just long enough for her to find the brand new bottle of shampoo and pour the entire thing into the tub! She wanted more bubbles! sigh!
I really don't know what's gotten into her! And what's crazy is that she's not ever really out of my sight for very long! Just long enough for me to go to the bathroom or gather a pile a dirty laundry to toss down the stairs to the basement or to get that clean towel for when she was finished her bath. She's just that quick!
So, while I'm thankful for the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser that removed the magic marker finger paints from my wall, I'm mostly thankful for the play date we have planned for the day. The play date I hope will make her so tired that she won't feel the need to tear this place apart!
I'd love for you to share what you are thankful for today! Let me know in the comments below!

My daughter emptied my brand new bottle of facial cleanser into the tub last night. It must have been in the air. Lol
ROFL!! I am also thankful for the Magic Eraser in my home, but the biggest thing I am thankful for is having a healthy child. :)
I am thankful for the sunshine I see peaking through the clouds this morning. We have been having rain, rain and more rain!
Today I am thankful for coffee...specifically the Peppermint Mocha now available at Starbucks. I know I sound like a commercial but it is so good.
What a day! We have times like that around here. My son can really push the whole "terrible twos" mantra when he wants to! :)
Haha sounds like she is ready to test out all things and coffee :-)
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