Last week was another week without a loss and most importantly, without a gain. I knew the reason for the lack of change. It wasn't very difficult to figure out. I wasn't making any changes in my eating habits. I wasn't helping myself in my journey to lose weight and be healthy.
Blogging each week about losing weight wasn't making me accountable enough. Something had to change.
I recieved an email from Weight Watchers. Although, I haven't been part of the online program for several years, I still get emails. I'm glad I did. They were running a special and I mentioned it to my Joe. He encouraged me to sign up again since it worked so well for me in the past.
Let me tell you, I hate the idea of having another bill to pay. I really, really do. But I'll hate it even more if I fall off the wagon and not keep up with the program. So, I think this will really keep me accountable............I hope.
I signed up last week for the online program (no meetings). Yesterday was my first day on the program. It was a challenge. I ate up my points pretty quickly since I don't have any low-point items in the pantry at the moment.
I chose Monday for my weigh in day. I want to try to only step on the scale on Monday mornings. Meaning, I don't want to drive myself crazy by checking the scale all week.
I stepped on the scale for my weekly weigh in and found that I somehow managed to lose 2 lbs. last week. I'm not sure how I accomplished that, but I'm happy with the loss!
That brings me to a 3.8 lb. loss so far.

I've decided to skip the mini goals that I was originally going to do and just post the full amount of weight that I want to lose.
If I lose 68.2 lbs. I will be in the higher end of the "healthy range" for my age and height. I may decide to adjust this goal weight later to be slightly outside the "healthy range". We'll worry about that as I get closer.
This week, since I'm starting a new plan, I want to stick with focusing on the basics:
- I'll be tracking what I eat each day. Kind of like a food journal but I'll be using the Weight Watchers Plan Manager to track my foods and keep a tally of the points I use each day.
- I'll be drinking lots of water. 6-8 glasses a day.
- I'll be increasing fruits and veggies. 5 a day.
- I'll be keeping up with my dairy intake. 2 a day.
- I'll be taking an after dinner walk at least 3 nights this week.
So, that's my plan for this week.
I'll be linking this to "How To" Housewife's Healthy Living blog carnival, a day late. Go and check out her weekly post! Every Monday, she shares great tips for getting healthy!
Sounds like a great plan. I started my weight loss journey again (always a struggle) on Aug 1. So I am interested in any motivation,tips,etc. I have done WW before with meetings & also online.I really like it but like you said~~another bill is the only drawback but it does help to keep you accountable.
Best of Luck & will keep up with your progress. I have about 63 lbs to lose. A long journey begins with a single step. I will check out the blog carnival.
Hugs & Blessings,
Congrats on the loss! I suggest taking the vitamin before bed. I used to get nauseaus from taking vitamins in the morning or afternoon so just started doing it before bed. I figure as long as I'm taking it daily, that's what matters. Plus, if I'm going to bed, I won't get queasy.
Congrats on the loss. Keep working on it, sister!
Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
Have a nice day!!
Hi Alison,
I've been at a standstill this week too. Glad you didn't have a gain. Know what? Hubby said he wants to go back to Weight Watchers this Tuesday. We're both lifetime members, but I know I'll have to pay for a few weeks until I get my weight down a bit more. (he'll have to pay for a while too as he needs to lose 50 to 60 pounds)
I also feal nauseated with vitamins. I take mine just before bedtime and that seems to work.
Talk to you soon!!!
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