Being Frugal and Making It Work has joined Frugality is Free in hosting Follow Us Monday Morning. There's a new topic of discussion this week, too!
If you want to join in on the fun, click the Follow Us Monday Morning button at the start of this post.
Here's the Question of the Week:
When was the last time you went camping and what's your favorite camping destination?
It's been a few years since we've gone camping. While it's something we love to do, Joe's crazy work schedule doesn't really allow for too many quiet weekends in the woods.
While growing up, I spent many weekends camping in one state park or another. I'm pretty sure I wasn't even a year old yet when my parents took me on my first camping trip! Back in those days, we camped in tents or cabins. A lot of my best childhood memories are from the trips we took to Bass River State Forest. Not only was it a great camping weekend, but it usually ended in a visit to my grandparents' house before we drove back home to Philly. I also joke that those were the best years since those were the years that I was an only child! Then my parents had my brother...sigh! :)
During the summers of my high school years, my parents rented a campsite at a family-run campground in Bucks County. We had a trailer for several years before then. We spent every weekend of those summers there and I met a lot of great friends there. I haven't seen them in many years, but thanks to Classmates.com and Facebook, I've been able to find most of them again and keep in touch.
Out of all of the many places we've camped in almost 40 years, Bass River State Forest and Beaver Valley Campground would have to be my favorites. Sorry, no way I could possibly narrow it down to one favorite! Too many great memories of both places!
Oh, speaking of almost 40 years....next month I am celebrating my 40th birthday. Starting this week and running until next month, I'll be announcing a few giveaways to honor the occasion! So, be sure to keep checking back to find out the details!
Question of the Week:
When was the last time you went camping and what's your favorite camping destination?
We haven't had the chance to go camping since last summer,I miss it,wish I was camping now.enjoyed your post,I linked up with Frugality is Free,to share camping "stories",but I'm confused,it seems you and I are the only ones participating and actually answering the question.
I'm your newest follower from Follow us monday on Frugality is free. You can check out my blog at www.homeandpantry.blogspot.com and learn to save money on organics!
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