Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~ Another Day at the Pumpkin Patch

Since she had so much fun the first time, we decided to take Grace to the pumpkin patch again on Sunday.  This time, we got together with our family for a great day of pumpkin picking!


Grace's Aunt Toni took so many great pictures of the kids that day!  It was really difficult to choose the ones to post here!  (Thanks, Toni!)

I'll be linking this post to the following carnivals: 


Traci66 said...

Awe, I love the girls in their Halloween outfits. Adorable they are. I have a linky and would love for you to link up.

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

So is the little one in the pink Grace? They are both adorable!

Alison said...

Traci66, thanks for the invite. I linked up to your Wordy or not so Wordy Wednesday linky!

Debbi, Thanks! They are sweet, aren't they?! And yes, Grace is the one in the pink. Bella is the one in the tutu, she's 6 weeks older than Grace! I love that she has a cousin so close to her own age!

Veronica Lee said...

AWWW! Your girls are adorable!!

Happy WW!

Unknown said...

What adorable pictures!

Meg @ write meg! said...

So fun! Going to the pumpkin patch has been a tradition in my family (and many others, I'd wager) since I was little. Enjoy the fall!

Anonymous said...

They look like they had a great time. I love these shots.

Happy Homemaker And Momma said...

I like your comment that you left on my post about your daughter will outgrow her container of crayons if she brings home one more set from Red Robin:) That was funny.

Thanks for joining me and my $35 CSN giveaway!!

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