I don't know about all of you, but it's taking me a long time to recover from the holidays. All of the running around shopping and preparing for Christmas has really tired me out this year. Four days since Christmas and I'm still exhausted.
There are so many factors that could have made preparing for the holidays so much easier. Things I should have been doing all year long to eliminate all of that last minute running around. That brings me to the point of this post.
Photo credit: Nanalulu's Musings
Resolutions. There. I said it. The dreaded R-word that pops up every year around this time. The same word that (at least by me) is forgotten about 2 weeks into January.
I really want things to change in my life. Not mid-life-crisis type changes. More like creating better habits for myself that will help make my life easier on a daily basis, as well as during more hectic times of the year.
My resolutions are pretty much the same year after year. But like I said, they are soon forgotten once the new year begins. That being said, I'm posting my resolutions here for all to see. In hopes that I will feel obligated to follow through.
So, here are my resolutions for 2012:
- Get Organized
- Save Money
- Lose Weight

I hope you join the challenge. I think we could help support each other and hold each other accountable. We can do this!
I don't make new year resolutions but those are my three exact goals. Here's what we need to do. We know WHAT the goals are, now we need to write down HOW we are going to succeed in those goals.
For me? To lose weight I HAVE to track food again, it's the only thing that works. To get organized? Well, it's an ongoing process but I am trying to organinze my files and get the junk off my desk. To save money? We're pretty broke so there isn't a whole lot to do but we've been slowly going out to eat more and that HAS to stop.
I wish you well! Let's focus and follow through! I've been in such a funk lately and it so has to stop!
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