Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday's Fave Five: October 9th

Friday's Favorite Five: Hosted by Susanne @ Living to Tell the Story.

This week brought me a handful of negative issues, but they were truly outweighed by the positive. Here are a few of my positives to share with you.

  1. Visits with family. Wednesday afternoon, I received news that I was going to get a visit from my aunt and my gram on Thursday. I haven't seen them since July, and I was really pleased (even though I know they were only coming to see the baby). I was especially pleased, because I knew that I could prepare a nice lunch for them with little effort, thanks to my freezer! I had some beef barley soup in the freezer and some stew in the fridge and had a nice visit with my parents, my aunt and my gram. I was even able to send my aunt and gram home each with a quart of soup or stew.
  2. Puppy dog kisses. My 2 year old Boston Terrier is such a sweet baby. Lots of times she's a terror, but really she is a sweetie! She's such a cuddler and gives lots of kisses. Especially to the baby. She loves "her" baby. But now that the weather is cooler, she loves to curl up on my lap and would sleep there for hours if I didn't have other things to do, like take care of the baby or um, go to the bathroom!
  3. Fall TV Line-up. I'm loving the fall line up this year. I just wish that Comcast showed more of the shows I watch On Demand. We don't have TIVO or DVR (not in the budget) and some shows overlap. Causing me to pick and choose. Right now, Dancing with the Stars is my choice over Two and a Half Men and the rest of the Monday Night shows on that channel. I'm also really enjoying a couple of new shows this year. The Good Wife and Flash Forward. I'm a jinx when it comes to new shows for anyone else that watches those shows, I'll apologize in advance. :) Hope they stick around.
  4. Understanding Friends. Wednesday, I had plans with a friend. Nothing special. We were just going to head over to Aldi to pick up a few things. But after she was on her way over, Gracie had other ideas. She started fussing up a storm. So not like her. By the time my friend arrived, it was a total meltdown. Instead of going to Aldi, we put the baby in the car and took a ride until she fell asleep. We stopped at McDonald's for some sweet tea and fries and went back to my house to visit while the baby napped. We'll reschedule Aldi's for one day next week.
  5. Lemon Drop Baby Boutique. I had such a wonderful shopping experience with this Etsy shop. I haven't received my order yet, it was just finalized the other night. But I am certain that it will be perfect! I ordered this flower headband with an additional headband and a beanie for Gracie. It will be part of her Halloween costume. You can read more about it in a previous post here.


Susanne said...

Hi Alison! Love your list for the week. I'm sorry for the negative issue and am glad you were able to find the good things to outweigh the bad.

Sounds like a sweet visit with you family. And aren't you smart having things you can just reach for already prepared when you need in the freezer. What a blessing for your gramma and aunt to get to take some home, too.

I love my PVR. My favorite show this year again is Flashpoint. I'll have give the Flashforward a try too.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I remember days like that when my children were young. It is nice to have understanding friends.

Islandsparrow said...

what a sweet little headband - such fun to dress a baby girl!

Sounds like you had a great visit with family - and you must be pretty organized to feed them all too.

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