Monday, June 13, 2011

Menu Plan Monday ~ Week of June 13th

I didn't get the chance to link up to Menu Plan Monday last week.  I got so wrapped up in the Slimmer this Summer challenge that started last week, that menu planning was put on the back burner. 

Being a little rusty where dieting is concerned, I decided to keep it easy on myself and only cook a few meals.  Meals that offer leftovers for meals throughout the week.  Lucky for me Joe doesn't mind eating the same 2 or 3 things all week. 

Last week, I made a big batch of BBQ Chicken Enchiladas.  They turned out great!  We just finished them up on Saturday.  I also made a big pot of Hamburger Macaroni (loaded with veggies).  There's still enough leftover for another night this week! 

Here's what else we'll be eating this week: 

  • Hamburger Macaroni, salad, corn.  We'll be out for most of today, so this will be the perfect day to finish up those leftovers!

  • BBQ Chicken Salad sandwiches.  Sunday night, I made barbecue chicken for dinner.  This chicken salad will be great to mix up and keep in the fridge for quick lunches.  

  • Stuffed Peppers.  Giant had a decent sale on peppers last week, I figure stuffed peppers would be the easiest/best way to use them all up before they spoil. 

  • Salmon patties and green salad.  I love salmon patties and I've been wanting to try a new recipe for a while now.  (I misplaced the link, hopefully I will find it soon.  If not, I'll use my stand-by recipe.)

Since I've been dieting and counting calories, I've been making it a point to think more about breakfasts and lunches during the week.  Breakfast will be fruit with yogurt, cereal with skim milk or bagel thins.  Lunches will mostly be Clif Bars since they are easy to grab and really filling!

For more menu planning ideas and recipes, follow me over to I'm an Organizing Junkie and check out Menu Plan Monday. 

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